Removal of Surgical Hardware

Does surgical hardware have to be removed once healing has taken place? During many foot and ankle surgeries, hardware is used in order to stabilize the affected bones. Surgical hardware includes plates, screws, rods and other implants. In young children, such hardware is usually removed once the bones have healed to prevent problems with bone…

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Air Travel after Foot or Ankle Surgery

How long should I wait to fly after having surgery on my foot or ankle? Of course the first person you should ask about air travel after foot or ankle surgery is your experienced, knowledgeable foot and ankle orthopedic surgeon. The doctor may or may not give you permission to fly, depending on the type…

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Some Common Foot and Ankle Injuries Requiring Surgery

Which common foot and ankle surgeries typically require surgery? All serious foot and ankle injuries should be evaluated promptly. If there is any question about whether surgery may be necessary, that evaluation should be performed by a skilled, board certified foot and ankle orthopedic surgeon. Even injuries that seem relatively mild should be professionally diagnosed…

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Sports Injuries Threaten NFL Preseason

Q: Would a shortened or eliminated preseason prevent football injuries? No doubt about it. Football is one of the most physically-demanding and brutal sports. It’s no surprise that it takes players a week to recover from the last beating—and that’s just the healthy players! Those who get badly injured during the game can take much…

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